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Join Us On Creating Healing Habits!

Welcome to our Healing Habits campaign!

In this post, you will discover what our Healing Habits are and how you can access them. Along the way, you will hopefully pick up a few new and healthy habits that can improve your quality of life.

When our company first started a few years back, our mission was to educate and change lives. This still stands true today.

This can be as simple as adding a nutritional supplement to your life or as grand as changing your entire lifestyle by changing your eating habits, adding exercise, and so much more.

One of the ways we at VG Wellness can help is by introducing our Healing Habits journal. This journal is intended to act as a guide for you. It contains seven Healing Habits that we believe are the most essential in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. But without your commitment to this challenge, there will be no long term success. This commitment is a promise to yourself and to those that depend on you.

Here’s what you can expect to see in these next seven weeks:

  • Each Monday, a specific Habit will be highlighted on our blog.
  • Every day Monday thru Friday, we’ll share encouragement, tips, and tricks on all of our social media pages specific to that Habit. Be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
  • We’ll even share our own journey as we go along with you!

So what are the seven Healing Habits?

  1. STOP IT : This is about letting go of those bad habits and hopefully replacing them with healthy ones
  2. HYDRATE : Many of us are guilty of reaching for a soda or some other drink filled with sugar when we could and should be reaching for water!
  3. SWEAT A LITTLE : A little sweat never hurt anyone, especially when it helps you feel better
  4. CATCH MORE ZZZs : Do you know just how important adequate sleep is? We’ll dive more into this in a few weeks
  5. CLEAN UP YOUR PLATE : As American’s, we love to eat. But are we eating the right things? We’ll look at how we can clean up our plates and still enjoy food!
  6. GET OUTSIDE : Sunshine is so important for our mental health. In this week, we’ll look at how we can accomplish this on a daily basis
  7. BELIEVE IN SOMETHING : If you’ve read anything about Blue Zones, you’ll know that a common theme was that each region had a faith in a higher power. We’ll look into this in our final week

Beginning this Monday (June 3), we’ll start our Healing Habits journey! Each week, we’ll focus on a specific habit. To start, we’ll learn how to STOP IT.

Please be sure to follow us on our social media pages for consistent updates!

If you are interested in getting a journal for yourself, please fill out a form on our Contact Page.

We cannot wait to begin and we look forward to seeing your progress!
