While sugar adds sweetness to our lives, too much can harm our health. From contributing to weight gain to increasing the risk of chronic diseases, it’s essential to understand sugar’s impact so we can make informed dietary choices. Many of us consume more sugar than we realize! While it may sound daunting, sugar detox is
It’s our final week of our Healing Habits campaign! I hope you learned even just one thing that can help promote a better lifestyle for yourself, whatever that may be. This week it’s all about faith and believing in something bigger than ourselves. I’m happy to put myself out there and let you know that

Have you ever had a bad day, felt terribly stressed, and then went outside and instantly experienced a sense of relief? Was it the sunshine on your face? A light breeze? Getting outside really does make you feel better! Just like plants, sunshine and fresh air are important for humans to have healthy lives. The

When you hear the word “diet” what comes to mind? Weight loss? Restriction? Calories? Healthy? Failure? Carrot sticks? This week’s topic is something I am personally very passionate about. If I did not become a nurse, I think I certainly would have headed into the nutrition field. I find it fascinating that by simply changing
Zzzzz…. Sleep. Something so simple, yet difficult for some people. According to the Centers for Disease & Control Prevention (CDC), adults should sleep 7 hours or more per night for optimal health (2016). Anything less is considered insufficient sleep and can have negative impacts on an individuals overall quality of life. In the same article,
Exercise! With a show of hands, how many of you actually enjoy exercise? When was the last time you exercised? Are you a gym-goer? Runner? Yogi at home? Or can you even remember the last time you purposefully exercised? As of 2013 and according to the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, the national

Welcome to Week 2 of our Healing Habits Campaign! How was week 1 for you? Were you able to figure out what bad habits you wanted to STOP and what habits you wanted to START? Let us know in the comments below! This week, we’re focusing on something simple to do, yet many of us
Welcome to our Healing Habits campaign! In this post, you will discover what our Healing Habits are and how you can access them. Along the way, you will hopefully pick up a few new and healthy habits that can improve your quality of life. When our company first started a few years back, our mission

Scientists Discover Secrets of Moringa Oleifera
Molecular biologists recently discovered the mystery of the Moringa tree, reinforcing the incredible value of consuming this plant for its nutrition. Moringa oleifera is known for supplying rich amounts of nutrients and minerals, and for providing numerous and diverse medicinal benefits. The study was published in the journal Genomics in April 2019.
Vegan Tinola Soup using our Organic Moringa Powder by Annie Leon Guerrero Peter
Recipe for Vegan Tinola Soup using Organic Moringa Powder 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 small onion, diced 4-6 garlic cloves, finely minced 1 2-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced 3-4 Tbsp. vegetarian bouillon (chicken flavored) 1/8 Tsp. cayenne pepper 4 oz Butler™ Soy Curls 6-8 cups of water 2 chayote squash, peeled