
Healing Habits: Exercise! With a show of hands, how many of you actually enjoy exercising? Maybe you love athletics and daily activity. Great! Are you a gym-goer? Runner? Yogi at home? Exercise can save your life in a very real sense; regular movement will decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. But there are

Have you ever had a bad day, felt terribly stressed, and then went outside and instantly experienced a sense of relief? Was it the sunshine on your face? A light breeze? Getting outside really does make you feel better! Just like plants, sunshine and fresh air are important for humans to have healthy lives. The

Bitter melon is a tropical vine and belongs to the gourd family. The oblong-shaped fruit is green, and has a unique bumpy appearance and an equally distinct sharp flavor. Also known as Momordica Charantia, the bitter gourd originally came from India before it was introduced to China and then traveled to other parts of Asia.

Welcome to Week 2 of our Healing Habits Campaign! How was week 1 for you? Were you able to figure out what bad habits you wanted to STOP and what habits you wanted to START? Let us know in the comments below! This week, we’re focusing on something simple to do, yet many of us
Welcome to Week 1 of our Healing Habits Journey! We are so excited that you have decided to join us. For the beginning of this journey, we must first learn how to STOP IT. Sounds a little wrong, doesn’t it? To start, we have to stop? What we mean is that in order to learn
Welcome to our Healing Habits campaign! In this post, you will discover what our Healing Habits are and how you can access them. Along the way, you will hopefully pick up a few new and healthy habits that can improve your quality of life. When our company first started a few years back, our mission